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Safe Schools Plan

Safe Schools Plan

Safe Schools Plan

Our school safety plan has been developed so that, in the event of a disaster, all conceivable actions that can be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff will be implemented.Our school has a comprehensive, up-to-date safety plan in place to address a variety of emergency conditions. The plans are reinforced through drills with students and at regular meetings of staff.
Paradise Unified School District and the Town of Paradise have been working cooperatively to train all school administrators in NIMS (National Incident Management System). In conjunction with the Paradise Police Department, Paradise Fire Department, and Town Officials, Paradise schools are continually updating and improving communication and safety practices.
Our school disaster plan includes emergency procedures in case of:
  • Traumatic Incidents
  • Imminent Danger-Code Red
  • Evacuation/Relocation
  • Civil Defense/Disorder
  • Bomb Threat/Bomb Emergency
  • Earthquake
  • Chemical Spill
  • Crime in Progress
  • Fire/Explosion
  • Bus Accident
Our plan stresses prevention; our goal is to be prepared. Your children are surrounded daily by professionals who have dedicated their lives to helping students. In the event of an emergency, you can count on these caring individuals to keep your children secure.
If you have questions about your child's safety and school support responses, please contact the school principal. Your understanding, support, and cooperation are vital as we take these precautionary actions on behalf of our students.